

I don't have a green thumb. Oh how I wish I did, because I really love plants, flowers, etc., but it just isn't the case. I remember my first plant...and it's demise, like it was yesterday.

My dear friend Michele was moving to New Zealand, and asked my to adopt her lovely Jade plant. I kept it in my office at work and it grew and grew and I was so thrilled that I went and bought it a beautiful new planter to live in. And when I drove it home from work, I was in a bit of a hurry... and forgot it in the car. It was a wintery-Ohio night and the poor little thing froze to death, literally.

 Needless to say, I was a bit overwhelmed when we moved into our house, and spring came along ushering in ten (plus) Peony bushes, several rose bushes and countless other beauties. But this spring I was ready for them and excited for the color they bring to our lawn. So, this was the week they finally bloomed... and now they fill our home with a little bit of summer.