
My Husband is Hot!

I know it's kind of tacky to say, but well, my husband is HOT! 
I know 'hot' isn't the most 'grown-up' word to say, but I'm saying it anyways!
Don't you think wives should think their husbands are hot? 
That word gets tossed around for men in show business that we don't even know, 
and probably are some pretty lousy characters in their real lives.

So, I'm saying it...MY HUSBAND IS HOT!!! 
Inside and out... I'm pretty proud to call him mine!
He is a loving, caring, godly man, that tries his hardest to be 
the husband and father God created him to be.

Here's a pictorial 'ode' to my love, AKT. 

The sunlight and the forrest only add to his dreaminess.. *wink*

PS. Adam is not a fan of me taking his picture... I always have to 'sneak' and catch him in a moment. 
Here, he was watching Atticus play in the leaves.


My Little Scarecrow

Trick-or-treat was a bit different this year... Adam and Atticus were both not feeling well, but I wanted Atticus to be able to hand out candy. (And selfishly I wanted to get a couple of pictures of him in his 'costume'...) So I dressed him up as quickly as possible, bribing him with candy to get his face paint on.
I was ill-prepared this year, (trick or treat totally snuck up on me!) so I pulled weeds from the garden to act as 'straw' and I used one of my winter hats, tucked under, as his straw hat. 

It worked, considering he had it on for maybe 10 minutes.

We got some fun pictures before the meltdown~ 

 He was a bit startled by all of the scary masks at first, but he got in the swing of giving the candy away... Atticus loves giving people things... it's one of his fun little 'quirks':)
*He has my vote for the cutest scarecrow there ever was!


Pepper Play (and a little Quick Tip)

I realized that my posts have been all work and no play: a reflection of my life these days! *wink*

So, I decided to do a post bidding farewell to the beautiful red peppers that I have eaten almost every meal over the summer. Thankfully, I bought up quite a few (15 to be exact) at the grocery this past week (they were $1 each) so I could freeze them and have them all winter. 

I chopped and chopped and chopped, then put them into freezer bags... enter: Quick Tip.
I discovered this a month or so when buying up raspberries, and even took a picture to use for a future 'QT'...
Now, I'm new to the 'freezing world', so some of you may already do this, but I've been using a straw to get all of the air out of the nooks and cranny's of whatever I'm freezing. (see picture below.) I just insert the straw in the far end of the bag, zip up to the straw, then suck all of that air out! It works pretty well. 
I'm sure it doesn't hold a candle to those fancy machines, but neither does the cost.

So, what do you buy bulk to store for the winter?

{Silas is One}

Dear friends of mine, that now live in Kentucky, happened to be in town to celebrate Silas's birthday with their families and I was lucky enough to get to have a fun little one year old session with them!

Thanks, BeViers for letting me hang out with your great family! All of your boys are a delight!



I think I may have the photographer's form of 'Senioritis'...in the best way possible.
I'm a bit in love with seniors at this point in my photography career. 
They make a shoot so simple and fun and, well, a senior shoot holds endless possibilities! They are often willing to 'strike a pose' or get in strange, uncomfortable positions all for the sake of the shot! There's no tantrums when they're getting weary, they push through. 
So, here's my 'ode' to seniors!! 
(and a few pictures of seniors I've shot in the past couple of weeks that have yet to make their 'debut' on my website...)

Meet: Noelle, Kathleen, Paul and Joshua


Away too Long...

Well, I suppose this is evidence that things are going well in the photography world... It's October and I'm barely keeping my head above water. Not complaining, just adjusting. 

Here's a glimpse at what I've been up to since we last spoke...



We have had an abundance of cherry tomatoes this summer, which is delightful for all of us , mostly Atticus!
In wondering what to do with all of these little pods of yumminess, a friend suggested I slow roast them...so I did. (Thanks Mary! Mary also provided us with the magic plants;))

 I put them in the oven on a cookie sheet at 250 degrees for a couple of hours sprinkled with olive oil, minced garlic and rosemary. Then, once they were ready, I took them out, put them in a jar, and covered them with vegetable oil (about 1/2 cup?)...and into the fridge they went. I didn't really have time to prepare a meal with them for about a week... so when I did, I drained them and set the oil aside. 
With the tomatoes I was able to make tomato sauce, then I used the seasoned oil to fry up some panko crusted chicken, and then came the greatest treasure: I popped some popcorn on the stove with the remainder of the oil then topped with Parmesan cheese. It was honestly one of the most savory things I've eaten in a long time! 

Lots of rambling...all to lead tho this glorious bowl of popcorn!
Try it out and Enjoy!


New Baby Bundles

I'm happy to introduce two new 'bundles' to the JFP family!
A way to save while still capturing all of those precious milestones! 

{Birth to 1-year Bundles}

Bundle One: $475 (savings of $275)
*Infant Session (within 2 weeks of birth)
*3-month Session
*6-month Session
*9-month Session
*1-year Session

Bundle Two: $300 (savings of $150)
*Infant Session (within 2 weeks of birth)
*6-month Session
*1-year Session

** Maternity Sessions can be added to Birth to 1-year bundles for $100**

Feel free to contact me for more information!



I love the thought of being a great infant photographer! I see a lot of my photog friends' images and have to remind myself to close my mouth from the utter infatuation of their shots! 
(my favorite infant photographer: my friend, Jaci at Red Balloon Studio!)

So today, I had my second infant shoot, and I have to say that I realize just how much practice and experience goes into infant shoots. Photography in general is a learning game, but infants take it to a whole new level!

Here are some of my favorites from the two infant shoots I've done...I hope to have more opportunities to learn and perfect my skill!

Big sister, Cora is one of my favorite photography subjects! A total doll!;)