
A day in the life...

Man...how strange life has been!

So, some know, some don't... we're moving to Clinton, OK.
Adam has been asked to pastor a church there and we will be moving from Norman in two weeks!
We are SO excited about this move and Adam and I feel like God totally hand-picked Clinton for us.

The people at this church are amazing! Totally open to doing what God wants to do through the church, even if it's new. We have so many idea's, and so do they. It's so encouraging!! We're in no hurry, we feel that God will give us years to succeed in our idea's and also fail and move on to the next.

We've also bought a house there! A real true 'fixer-upper' that, at times, I'm a little terrified to live in. I'm, then, reminded that my mom washed dishes in the bathtub for a summer while the same situation was occurring in 'the log cabin' and that Michele hasn't had indoor plumbing for months in NZ...so, I know I can embrace this adventure. I just need to remember that it is just that, an adventure!

As 'tright' as it may sound, I really feel very undeserving of this 'gift' of Clinton. I am reminded of God's grace that he would let me (and Adam) be a part of this...despite my unfaithfulness to Him on so many occasions. My God truly is a forgiving God.

So, if you're ever out towards Clinton, give us a call...or just drop by, Mayberry, I mean Clinton, is just that kind of place.

ps. we haven't sold our home in Norman, so please send a prayer up if it crosses your mind.