I can barely believe that Ava's off to her first day of Kindergarten!
As she jumped out of the car in her knee high argyle socks, plaid skirt and 'Girls rock' t-shirt, I couldn't contain myself from squeezing her!
She's grown up so much in her short little five years of life... and yet, she never ceases to remind me of how she's still my 'Teeny-Tiny'...She came into the house last weekend toting the 'blankie' that I bought for her the day she was born...when I asked her where it came from she said "you bought it for me when I was just a baby"...*smile*
I adore this little girl, all of her sass, her charisma, and her love...
Happy first day of Kindergarten, baby girl...
Ju-ju can't wait to hear all about it!!!