
Pepper Play (and a little Quick Tip)

I realized that my posts have been all work and no play: a reflection of my life these days! *wink*

So, I decided to do a post bidding farewell to the beautiful red peppers that I have eaten almost every meal over the summer. Thankfully, I bought up quite a few (15 to be exact) at the grocery this past week (they were $1 each) so I could freeze them and have them all winter. 

I chopped and chopped and chopped, then put them into freezer bags... enter: Quick Tip.
I discovered this a month or so when buying up raspberries, and even took a picture to use for a future 'QT'...
Now, I'm new to the 'freezing world', so some of you may already do this, but I've been using a straw to get all of the air out of the nooks and cranny's of whatever I'm freezing. (see picture below.) I just insert the straw in the far end of the bag, zip up to the straw, then suck all of that air out! It works pretty well. 
I'm sure it doesn't hold a candle to those fancy machines, but neither does the cost.

So, what do you buy bulk to store for the winter?