
12 before 2012

I was reading a blog the other day and came across a challenge: 12 before 2012.
The writer was challenging her readers to join in on completing twelve projects before they rang in the new year.

Anyone who really knows me, knows that I LOVE to dream up projects, buy (trash pick) for projects, and never finish them...some I don't even start. So this sounded like a fun idea to me and maybe, just maybe, enough motivation for me to finish some of the projects I have laying around.

I have pinned some things on Pinterest that I am hoping to get completed.
It's fun to have goals *wink*.

So here are a couple pictures of the 'beginnings' of my projects for the next two months... oh, and a kitchen make-over... ha!

(don't judge me for the 'state' of my garage)

I plan on doing a post in the near future about my recent thrift store purchases and 'curb finds', but since this is part of the challenge, I included the price of these lamps. I also got a shade for one for $1.90.
(disclaimer: They look a lot cuter in the picture than they actually are. *wink*)


Five Years

My husband, Adam, and I have been married five years now... five wonderful, growing, hard, delightful years.

We received a card from his parents that summed up marriage in the most terrible, yet truthful words I've heard:
"The best mistake I've ever made."

Adam and I met on the internet. People we know often want to make an 'example' of us that internet dating is successful. We loudly scream "NO!":) We think it was one of the hardest things we have ever done... moving across the country, not having a 'normal' dating time. Sure there are perks: getting to know each other better than we would if there was physical contact, etc., but that's what relationships are meant to go through, to overcome!

We work. We are terribly in love. We passionately pursue life together, BUT that's not a product of the internet, it's a product of a really big God who used the internet to bring two like-minded people together. We don't work because of the internet... believe me, we met based on attraction like most everybody else, not based on a great list of all of our goals, character and aspirations.

We work because God gives us strength to put up with each other's crap and gives us a great example of His beautiful love that loves us when we are defiant and ugly in our spirits.

The past year has come with many challenging times (as do most years)...
we felt like a 'break' was needed more than ever before and my dad was kind enough to book a vacation for us that we could have never dreamed of going on.
We returned to Hilton Head, SC, where we honeymooned... It's so beautiful and peaceful there... a great place to  get a little rejuvenation!

So, back to life... a  bit more rested, and a ton more grateful!

Press on! <3

Oh! I love this man!!!